Give your work a hand-drawn fine liner pen look with this collection of pattern, line, and scatter brushes for Adobe Illustrator.
Lately, I've totally fallen in love with the look of hand-drawn illustration work. Illustrators like and create art that makes you feel like you're living in a world inside their notebooks.
That's why we created The Dead Pen brush pack. It's a collection of 62 brushes (pattern, scatter, lines, and swatches) that make it easy and fun to create your own liner pen inspired work.
Plus, we've made as many brushes as possible with our No-Stretch technology so you get smooth ink lines with no weird shapes.
- 62 hand-drawn fine liner pen brushes including patterns, lines, scatter brushes, and swatches.
- 20 scatter brushes including dots, stars, crosses, and lots more (see preview reference sheet).
- 16 No-Strech line brushes including short and long strokes (see preview reference sheet).
- 26 pattern brushes including lots of stippling brushes, multiple line brushes, multiple line dash brushes, zig-zags, loops, waves and more (see preview reference sheet).
- 9 pattern swatches including stippling, multiple lines, dashes, waves, and zig-zags.
- 2 pieces of AI preview artwork images so you can see exactly how effects are applied.
Software: Adobe Illustrator CS4 and above
Hardware: 2.4ghz processor or higher
Memory: 16gb RAM or higher
Storage: 11.4 MB
Save 42% on this and every Illustrator brush pack we've ever made (620 brushes) with our .
Here are two ways we've been playing with the brushes (although you can use them however you want):
Create it all with the brushes. We've included all the brushes you need to create hand-drawn illustrations without leaving the comfort of Illustrator. You can even go bananas and grab The Vector Brush Toolbox to turbocharge your vector brush powers.
Scan your drawings. Love doing the initial inking on paper? No problem. Just scan your drawing in and add all the time-consuming details using the brushes after.
The illustrations for this pack were created by . You can check out more of his work on or .